Friday 8 June 2018

Iran’s regime and the ever-growing impasse

The road ahead for Iran’s regime leads to a dead-end

The United States’ decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal and its following developments continue to be major international issues of discussions. All eyes are on Iran to see the regime’s response to these troubling times.
Senior Iranian regime officials had time and again said if U.S. President Donald Trump exits the nuclear deal they won’t waste a second to respond. What we witnessed, in reality, has been in far contrast.
Tehran’s only “firm” reaction was a trip made by foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Europe in search of “guarantees.” As we stand, the Iranian regime is facing a firm obstacle on the international stage and Zarif’s smiles no longer have any buyers as crippling sanctions are returning fast. 

Explosive society

The more pressing matter is the undeniable reality of increasing protests, placing the regime before unprecedented circumstances. Describing Iran’s society as a powder keg is now considered a very mild approach.
The fire of nationwide protests unveiled in the Dec/Jan 2018 proved to all observers that the Iranian people want this regime gone and the pillars of this regime are very fragile, to say the least. 

Kazerun and …

The amazing protests seen in Kazerun, a town in southern Iran, came as a major wake-up call for the Iranian regime and all those arguing the Dec/Jan uprising came to an end and the society going into demise for a very long period. With their heroic stance, the brave people of Kazerun proved them utterly wrong and became the voice of an entire nation demanding change, willing to go the limits.
As a next step, a nationwide strike of truck drivers spread to around 280 cities across all of Iran’s 31 provinces. The protesting truckers, enjoying support from their colleagues around the world, were demanding increasing wages, their harsh working conditions taken into consideration, retirement pensions made available after 25 years of work in this field, decreasing various fees for a variety of reasons such as tolls and numerous commissions demanded by authorities at each terminal, and the lack of any framework for increasing costs. The drivers were also seeking an end to repressive measures by authority forces.
The regime was especially caught off guard in the face of this movement’s organized nature.

Discrimination against minorities

Iran’s Sunnis and Baluchi communities are literally reaching their limits intolerance, as the mullahs’ regime continues its unbridled crackdown against their members.
One protest was seen in Sistan & Baluchistan Province (SE Iran) on May 26th when students of Zahedan Open University launched a demonstration protesting an insult to their community and religious beliefs. Large groups of people in Zahedan joined the rally as demonstrators were heard chanting:
“No fear, we’re all together.”
Zahedan, Sistan & Province, SE
Locals protesting an insult to the Sunni & Baluchi community
"No fear, we're all together"

Economic crisis

A recession and a nose-diving economy led to bazaar merchants launching a strike throughout the country. Store-owners in various cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, Bojnurd, Karaj, Qom, Maku, Jolfa, and others were on strike on Thursday on May 26th, refusing to open their shops before demands were met.
Despite pressures reaching an unbearable limit, the Iranian people are expanding their anti-regime measures by establishing pockets and cells of resistance to establish an organized opposition against this regime. These teams inside the country have the potential of forcing the regime to respect the Iranian people’s rights.
Western countries supporting human rights can and should exert their pressures on the Iranian regime to respect the people’s human rights. This provides direct support for the resisting people of this country.
The international community should also pressure Tehran to end its meddling across the Middle East, ordering the Revolutionary Guards and all associated proxies back to bring an end to their atrocities. This will end the Iranian people’s God-given wealth being wasted throughout the region and actually increase the West’s security.

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