Wednesday 24 October 2018

Iran’s people may revolt due to economic crisis, regime officials say

Youths protesting in Kashan, central Iran (File Photo)

 Recently, a large portion of the remarks heard from Iranian regime officials in state media consist of warnings about the regime’s future. Terms such as the “enemy,” “mistrust,” “dangerous times” and “current conditions” are keywords used in these warnings.
Even individuals such as Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the Iranian regime’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology, despite his experience in the regime’s intelligence apparatus, is unable to cloak his concerns.
“What will become even more transparent these days is the social gap between various classes. We are facing a reality that there is a trust gap, with people knowing officials will not live up to their pledges. We shouldn’t deny this. Why should we? The reason is that they see our actions differ from our words, and this is seen in different fields of work,” he said in a TV interview on October 12.
Hossein Raghfar, an economy expert working for the Iranian regime, has warned that major food shortages and revolts are in the making for Iran. The economic crisis is pushing people towards revolting against the mullahs’ regime.
“Those who are living on subsidies, they have nothing. We are heading towards riots. These riots are due to economic insecurity. Workers who haven’t been paid, how are they supposed to provide for themselves… and this leads to riots. All these riots will be taking shape,” Raghfar said.
“There will be other riots, seen in the country’s brain drain. There will also be riots against themselves, such as suicides. Other people will be suffering from psychological damages, such as depression. This is another kind of riot in and of itself. And yet another riot is the rise in crimes,” he continued.

According to Raghfar, the main element behind these riots will be severe food shortages and a variety of other revolts. He forecasted an increase in self-immolation and depression, and an unbridled increase in crimes and insecurity, including economic insecurity, and finally, the country’s brain drain crisis. These are all examples of a public revolt.
“A worker that doesn’t get paid has no solution but to revolt,” Raghfar said.
Inflation currently stands at 50%, according to Raghfar, and will reach 80 to 90% at the end of the Iranian calendar year (March 2019), he added. This society will not last under such circumstances, Raghfar continued.

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