Thursday 12 April 2018


Iran is the main partner of the Assad regime in a chemical attack on Douma
On Sunday, images were sent from Syria showing chemical attacks against innocent civilians in Duma. Following the attack, which is said to be with chemical gas, in a tweet message, Donald Tramp called Bashar al-Assad as an “animal" and slammed Iran and Russia
President Tramp tweeted, “Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price to pay.”
On Sunday President Tramp put blame on ex-president, Obama after the reported chemical attack in Syria.
"If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line in the Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!" Trump tweeted, referring to Syrian President Bashar Assad
Photos and videos that were aired from the attack are outrageous. In these photos, women, men and children are seen with the lifeless eyes, lying down the carpets of the rooms and the floors with white foam running from their mouths and noses.
 Humanitarian aid organizations accuse Bashar al-Assad regime of launching an inhumane attack by toxic gas against the last stronghold of insurgents in the Eastern Ghouta, Syria.
According to the reports, the death toll rises to 100, and the injured exceed1000.
Iran and Russia, as spokespersons for the Assad regime
The Syrian regime and its supporters, Russia and Iran deny the attack and claim that this is a histrionics set up by the Assad’s opponents.
Russia and Iran called it a pretext for an attack on Syria by the West.
Iran and Russia justify Bashar al-Assad’s crimes
That is a long time, Russia and Iran have become the justifiers of Bashar al-Assad's actions. Every crime by Bashar al-Assad is quickly supported by the two countries and disapproval of the Assad’s regime is declared as a "conspiracy’.
The Syrian regime can count on its supporter, Iranian regime. Regardless of what sort of crime Assad commits against civilians, the Iran regime vindicates it. While the media portrays the results of the usage of chemical gas on the poisoned children, the Iranian regime calls them "provocative" and does not even intend to call Assad's regime, which does not meet any criteria, to self-restraint,.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the key supporters of the Syrian dictator in his seven-year civil war against the Syrian people which has funded billions of dollars to prevent the fall of the Bashar al-Assad.
Hassan Rouhani said on July 11, 2017, in the "Health Civil Festival on July 11, 2017, at the “Civil Health Festival”, Hassan Rouhani said that during the most difficult economic conditions of the government due to the sanctions they provided Iraq and Syria with money, weapons and the necessities.
Therefore, the Iranian regime is clearly the main accomplice in the crimes of Bashar al-Assad in Syria by spending billions of Dollars on preserving Bashar al-Assad’s power.
The Syrians have suffered a lot of the eight-year civil war. By taking decisive measures, the world must put an end to the war crimes committed by the Assad regime and Iran regime against the Syrian people.
Ali Khamenei, the masterminds of crimes against humanity and war criminal, and his puppet Assad must be brought to justice. Failure to take a proper action is a shame and paves the path for further crimes.

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