Wednesday 4 April 2018

Iran Regime MP: The Fight Against Corruption Should Begin With Khamenei's Office

Iran Regime MP: The Fight Against Corruption Should Begin With Khamenei's Office

A member of Iranian regime parliament confesses that corruption has spread to a large extent in the regime's structure, which is unlikely to be confronted by law, and it is good to begin the fight against corruption initially from the office of the regime's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.
Gholamali Jafarzadeh Imenabadi, representative of Rasht in the regime’s parliament, stated the above comments in an interview with state-run Rouydad 24 and added: “Corruption has been dominated and accommodated in the country's structure, and I have no hope that this law can prevent this volume of corruption.”
He warned, “If one day our revolution (regime) faces trouble, it's because of this widespread corruption.”
This representative also noted the existence of “widespread moral corruption” in addition to financial corruption, in the regime, adding, 'unfortunately, today, people are clearly recommending each other to the authorities, and they are not afraid of that.”
This is not for the first time that a member of the parliament speaks of the massive corruption in the regime's structure.
Former member of the regime’s parliament, Ahmad Tavakoli, was the first to speak of the “systematic” corruption in the regime, adding, “The bodies responsible for combating corruption are themselves involved in some degree of corruption.”
Tavakoli explicitly warned that the regime will be “overthrown” if they do not fight against corruption.
Imenabadi who is a member of the commission on program, budget and computing of the parliament, said last year that some government agencies in Iran are “fleeing” the supervision and accountability, and some state institutions are not accountable to anyone.
Meanwhile, Mostafa Tajzadeh, affiliated to the so-called reformer faction, has recently wrote an open letter to Ahmad Tavakoli saying that Ali Khamenei is “flag-bearer of the fight against corruption only in opinion and speech”.
According to Tajzadeh, Khamenei and his subordinates in action are either “directly involved in corruption, such as the judiciary,” or “indirectly play a role in spreading corruption, like the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) with a massive entry into economic affairs.”
In his letter, released on March 18, Tajzadeh also wrote: “The leadership and his subordinates’ factional encounter with corruption in which ‘dealing with one (corruption) should be prolonged and the other should be ignored’ has expanded the scope of corruption.”
Warnings about the spread of corruption and its institutionalization in the structure of the regime are expressed at the time when, according to the International Organization for Transparency, in 2016, Iran with 29 points was ranked 131 among the corrupt countries.

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